Gender-Expansive KIDS and TEEN Yoga Class
ages: kids 5 – 16 years old (age range varies by event)

Identical to our regular Sweet Pea KIDS Yoga format (see below), our Gender-Expansive Kids Yoga events promise a welcoming space for kids anywhere along the gender spectrum to learn yoga amongst their peers, allies, and siblings in a supportive, open-hearted environment.
We’ll nurture our mind, body, and spirit through a peaceful hour focused on learning yoga, joyful expression, breathing, and kid-friendly meditation.

Prerequisite: No prior yoga experience needed but a student’s recognition, understanding, and whole-hearted support of gender diversity is a prerequisite to join.

Sweet Pea KIDS Yoga is an environment where children can develop and strengthen their yoga practice in a peaceful, creative, and fun-loving class. In addition to enjoying the variety of beneficial yoga postures that build strong bones, improve flexibility and balance, kids will discover how yoga can be integrated into their everyday lives and interactions beyond the mat. 

Our next Gender-Expansive KIDS Yoga event is coming up:
Stay tuned! via Zoom.
Advance registration required through Sweet Pea Yoga on our Yoga Sign Up page.

  • What makes Sweet Pea KIDS Yoga different?
    Sweet Pea KIDS was developed as an original, educationally-based yoga class by Sweet Pea Yoga founder Alexandra De Collibus. Alexandra witnessed through years of teaching that kids had a remarkable ability to understand the importance of yoga--an understanding that seemed to go beyond their years--even at a very young age. That the children found joy in practicing yoga was not surprising at all but it was the reverence they held for yoga that was truly exceptional. It was this that inspired Sweet Pea KIDS. 

    Sweet Pea KIDS is different. Alexandra believes in the great capacity children have for developing awareness, concentration, and mindfulness, and this program is designed to support that. In class we are not "playing yoga" but rather we aim to "be yoga" which is to live in a way that invites love, compassion, awareness, patience, and peacefulness in our time together in class and as individuals outside of the classroom. Of course this isn't to say we aren't playful! In fact, the activities the children are introduced to are fun, active, and accessible so kids can readily learn in a joyful, relaxed atmosphere free of competition. Kids are encouraged to express who they are by tailoring their yoga practice to challenge themselves or to try new things. Sweet Pea KIDS empowers the children to know themselves best by trusting them to be responsible for their own well-being and choices. Sweet Pea KIDS Yoga is a flexible curriculum that can build on the interests and dynamic of each class, not just session-by-session but from week to week.